Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Character is your KEY

What you like to have a braggart or a gossipmonger for co-worker? Or, would you like to be associated with a person who lies about boss's whereabouts or conveys misleading information, one who runs personal errands on the job, takes credit for someone else's work, or who is a wet blanket? Or, do you think you'd be respected if you possess one of the above-mentioned traits? Your answer, I know, will be a firm 'No'.
So, does the character really matters at workplace? Should we even care about it if productivity is not affected? This question does its round more often than is necessary in many a mind. Some think job performance is what the employer needs and there's no real need to comply with certain ethics and principles.
Bear in mind, such perceptions will only lead you to your doom. Eventually, such people, who don't carry off themselves rightly, end up attracting disrespect and wrath, irrespective of their talent and productivity. Little do they realise that respect does not come with what they do for the company, but with what they are.
Character plays a very vital rolein determining a person's future, be it personal or professional! On the professional front, it defenitely is a factor that helps establish an individual's career status. In fact it can, it can be one's selling point or a calling card! So, developing your personalty is vital for career advancement or even when targeting a career. Your character is, who you are, and it gets refined by what you do. No dout, moral and ethical dilemmas on the job test the strength of your character. You are pushed to the limit sometime or the other. But, all these depend on how you nurture your character with laudable practices and thoughts. Your character is moulded by your everyday choices that vary from thoughts to words, actions and habits. Perhaps these are the pieces that club your character and success together. So, keep a watch on all that you think and do and refine yourself. In fact, it does not take much to do so; you just need to put your heart and soul into it!

Get Going With It...
# Keep your conduct simple - that's the key to everything! Everyone always look upon a pleasing personality and would defenitely love to work with them. So, be amicable and easily apporachable. Never put on the air of pride around you, not only does it keep people away from you, but will also affect your reputation. Likewise, a bizarre manner or attitude can also land you in trouble. Remember, by being good you are earning goodwill for lifetime!
# Demand for trustworthy people never diminishes! Make it a point that you'll never let down your company. It's not right to say 'I am sorry' a hundred times. To rebuild trust after it is broken is the toughest job of all. Comply with the company's existing rules and regulations, if you think they are right. Project yourself as a reliable person as it is one of the most admireable traits. Do as you promise and never come up with alibis if you can't meet any. Being genuine and loyal are some of the qualities that'll win you hearts and promotions!
# Never fear responsibilities. Taking it up with a smile will keep you in good spirits and also keep your boss informed of your love for work. Don't be suprised even if you get promotion a little sooner.
# The most important of conduct rules is to keep away from gossiping and bad mouthing people. By doing so, however hard you work, you'll only be recognised as a jerk! Helping your boss and colleagues or offering to do them favours can help you a lot in your career. Be a part of the team, that's more important. As others need your assistence, you might also need their atleast once.
# Similarly, never show hatred towards or make derogatory remarks against others; the chances are they may boomerang in the form of a pink slip!
# Most important of all, avoid using mindaltering substances (whether legal or not) like alcohol, drugs, etc, shortly before work. It can affect your acuity at work. Your job may require a lot of concentraction and undermining it with unhealthy habits can ruin your career!

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